El boletín de la Federación Internacional de Traductores

Mensaje de la presidenta de la FIT: proteger el valor humano de nuestra profesión en el DIT 2024

por Alison Rodriguez, presidenta de la FIT   Llevamos casi dos años hablando de inteligencia artificial (IA), sus ...

Únete a la conversación. Forja el futuro. Participa en el XXIII Congreso Mundial de la FIT en Ginebra (Suiza)

por el Consejo de la FIT   Del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2025, representantes de todo el mundo se reunirán durante t...

La SFT publica su posición respecto a la inteligencia artificial

por la Junta Directiva de la SFT   Lo humano en el corazón de la tecnología Sobre la base de una consulta a sus m...

TETTE, el programa de mentorías de ASTRA

por Daouda Gassama, presidente de ASTRA   En el marco de su programa de mentorías llamado TETTE* (se pronuncia «t...

Declaración sobre la IA, la Traducción, la Interpretación y la Terminología

por Cristián Araya Medel (COTICH) Vocal FIT LatAm de Relaciones Académicas (2022-2025)   La rápida irrupción de...

La inteligencia artificial como objeto de análisis en el CTPSFPC

por Silvia Bacco (CTPSF)   ¿Qué dice la investigación sobre el futuro de la traducción y la tecnología? Bajo e...

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FIT Europe is successfully holding its AGM 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.Congratulation on a fruitful event. ... See MoreSee Less
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Round Table on Draft Guidelines for Court Translators and Interpreters’ Working Conditions📌 Date: 7 December 2024, Time: 12:00 PM (noon Paris time; GMT+2)▶ Please register here: fit-ift.orgThe Legal Translation Standing Committee of the International Federation of Translators has prepared draft guidelines addressing the working conditions of court translators and interpreters.These draft guidelines are informed by a 2023 survey assessing job satisfaction among court translators and interpreters. During the round table, members of the standing committee will present the survey findings and provide insights into the general concept and purpose of the guidelines.The draft is expected to undergo further amendments based on the feedback gathered during the round table discussion.Speakers:▪️ Carina Adriana BarresLawyer and Sworn Translator in the National and Federal Courts of the City of Buenos Aires; member of the Association of Sworn Translators of Buenos Aires, the Association of Sworn Translators and Interpreters of the Province of Buenos Aires, the Buenos Aires Bar Association, and the American Translators Association.▪️ Claire RichardotSworn Translator in France; member of the French Society of Translators and member-expert of its commission on sworn translators and interpreters, as well as a member of the French Association of Expert Translators in Courts of Appeal (UNETICA).▪️ Alexander LarinPhD in Law; Assistant Professor, author of the law course for translation students and legal initiatives concerning sworn translation; Board Member and Chief Legal Officer of the Union of Translators of Russia; CEO of Alba Translating Company. ... See MoreSee Less
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